Tweets to the BEEB | Brussels Blog

Tweets to the BEEB

posted by on 25th Aug 2012

The BEEB may be the best we’ve got but they get important issues – like climate change – very wrong.  To help them out I’m going to tweet advice to the BEEB (as @GeoffBeacon)  and publish the tweets on Before the site goes live they will be here.

Tweets to the BEEB

WHYS Myles: Sandy a category 1 not the worst cat 5. ESA: largest Atlantic hurricane on record Explain!

Listened to about the rich keeping climate change off the agenda then tells me @OnePlanetBBC has been scrapped!

could get in by adding Logged here

Your “prominent expert” seems controversial Your needs

You quote Pielke Jnr: Balance might suggest Rahmstorf and Coumou

Are these your scientists? Myles Allen, Vicky Pope Tim Lenton, Julia Slingo

So suggesting Hurricane violence is result of GW strains your scientists. Others balance that. Read

WHYS Climate attribution …”one for the scholars not for ordinary people”? Scholar Myles Allen?

Do balance Myles Allen with someone that knows Rossby waves and has read this

You and Myles downplaying climate on WHYS? Just who “looked a bit silly” on the sea ice? Not Wadhams

You better hide Bloomberg story somewhere obscure on your foreign pages Oh! You did.

@rogerharrabin @BBCAmos @davidshukmanbbc Frankenstorm Look for news on Jennifer Saunders – put her in your #BBCbalance

@JeremyLeggett @BBCNewsnight Jennifer Francis never mentioned  by #BadBeebClimate EU also problem

@rogerharrabin Frankenstorm.  So not too much can be read into “wierd weather”?

@rogerharrabin Jennifer Francis is “getting more attention as the weather careers from one extreme to another.”

@rogerharrabin Scientists saying no weird weather should be bbc-balanced with Jennifer Francis

flood season was in winter – now often in summer but no “long-term trend”. What??

Google news search “food climate site:” shames BBC reporting

The Mail reports Tim Lang on R4 BBC website doesn’t?

Vicki Hird: Climate change is already damaging food production... Ooh! Tuck it away at the end

@BBCAmos @davidshukmanbbc  ” The BBC’s extremely poor and biased coverage of climate change

@BBCAmos @davidshukmanbbc Greenland’s ‘Ice Quakes’ Record More to ignore here

@davidshukmanbbc  ‘big melt’ … You may have your facts wrong. See wayne’s comment here

@davidshukmanbbc  ‘big melt’ Why the quotes? And don’t mention food security!

@rincon_p Christoffersen knows little about what less sea ice does so ask JF.

Note for Connie Hedegaard, EU Climate Commissioner BEEB! Look too! @BBCAmos @davidshukmanbbc

@BBCAmos @davidshukmanbbc what’s going on in the Arctic could be very dangerous to food security

@BBCNewsnight BEEB pitting non-experts against each other  on Arctic sea ice loss on Newsnight

@BBCAmos @davidshukmanbbc BEEB ‘balance’ must now be ‘Climate officials vs climate provisionals

@BBCAmos @davidshukmanbbc @wattsbbc Is BEEB too credentialist to match  Arctic Crisis: Far From Sight, the Top of the World’s Problems ? If so, shame!

@BBCAmos @davidshukmanbbc @wattsbbc Is Yorganov on your radar? Ask Peter Wadhams about it.

MAP: Extreme Weather Supersizes Global Food Price Tags

@davidshukmanbbc Carbon pollution: Obama says droughts and floods and wildfires are not a joke. What does BEEB say?

@ProfBrianCox The Arctic, the weather & food supply. My media expert says you should tell us this.

@BBCAmos @davidshukmanbbc @wattsbbc The Arctic, the weather & food supply. BEEB should tell us all.

WSJ interviews UCL man on Arctic ice/our weather. Near you. Ask him.

Wettest summer in 100 years has jet stream but no Rossby waves!

@RogerHarrabin Good to mention sea ice.  Why not drought/hunger consequences

@BBCRBlack @BBCAmos @davidshukmanbbc @Mark_Kinver Monbiot’s found it Have I missed it on the BEEB?

Stupidity, greed, passivity? Just as comparisons evaporate, so do these words. The ice, that solid platform on which, we now discover, so much rested, melts into air. Our pretensions to peace, prosperity and progress are likely to follow. “And like the baseless fabric of this vision, / The cloud-capp’d towers, the gorgeous palaces, / The solemn temples, the great globe itself, / Ye all which it inherit, shall dissolve.

Along with the Arctic ice, the rich world’s smugness will melt

@BBCRBlack @BBCAmos @davidshukmanbbc @Mark_Kinver I found this big climate story Found it yet?

If you believe that we can do this to the earth and not have consequences, you’re a fool.

In fact there’s an interesting presentation by Rutgers Univ. researcher Jennifer Francis about possible consequences of the rapid decline in sea ice.

(Cryosp)here today, gone tomorrow

@BBCRBlack @BBCAmos @davidshukmanbbc @Mark_Kinver NYT on Arctic causing droughts/floods BBC too?

Dr. Francis is one of a small group of climate scientists who argue that the decline of sea ice is already having consequences for weather in the Northern Hemisphere’s middle latitudes, including the United States. She has published research suggesting that air circulation patterns are being altered in a way that favors more extremes, like heat waves and droughts.

Sea Ice in Arctic Measured at Record Low

@BBCRBlack @BBCAmos @davidshukmanbbc @Mark_Kinver I hope you have read Neven’s latest Excellent!

Sample excerpt from Why Arctic sea ice shouldn’t leave anyone cold:

An even more worrying potential source of greenhouse gases is the methane in the seabed of the Arctic Ocean, notably off the coast of Siberia. These so-called clathrates contain an estimated 1400 Gigatons of methane, a more potent though shorter-lived greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide. Methane clathrate, a form of water ice that contains a large amount of methane within its crystal structure, remains stable under a combination of high pressure and low temperature.

Read it all

@BBCPallab Video of Watson Brilliant compared to web piece. Tension between TV news and web?

Bob Watson reported on the Beeb.

‘Professor Sir Robert Watson said that the hope of restricting the average temperature rise to 2C was “out the window”.

He said that the rise could be as high as 5C – with dire consequences.

I’ve met him and corresponded with him a few times and thought he preferred to work behind the scenes. So it must be serious. Sadly the article also says

Professor Watson added that deep cuts in CO2 emissions are possible using innovative technologies without harming economic recovery.

This suggests to me that the forces of evil and stupidity have him boxed in. But he may not know that Job creation doesn’t need economic growth.

Posted by: GeoffBeacon | August 23, 2012 at 22:14

Comment on Record dominoes 5: Arctic Basin sea ice area

@BBCRBlack Yes, it’s bad enough for Geoengineering Better headline: Can’t save the world – it’s patented.

Geoengineering: Risks and benefits describes a project that was stopped because of possible patent infringement. But see

The Lesson · In software, assume that everything is already patented. You can’t build anything, no matter how new it is, without infringing someone’s patent.

Of course, a very high proportion of those patents could quite likely be invalidated by prior art, from both the patent space and outside. But that’s expensive; a patent is an extremely potent offensive weapon in the hands of a smart attorney, because most companies don’t have enough financial slack to fight intellectual-property litigation.

Linux  and patents

@BBCNews Does ‘unusual, but not unique‘ mean the Antarctic melting not climate change? Get real.

@BBCPallab Congrats for Watson/climate. Shame for waiting years for the copperbottomed to break rank. Rossby waves?

@BBCRBlack @BBCAmos @davidshukmanbbc @Mark_Kinver Search this for Rossby waves>storms>melting>Rossby wv feedback. I can help

@davidshukmanbbc @fionaharvey reports jet stream Improve your rain story ? Remember Rossby waves

@BBCRBlack @BBCAmos @davidshukmanbbc @Mark_Kinver Arctic Death Spiral: Drought, Flooding, Cold Spells And Heat Waves

@Mark_Kinver Report this too? “The June snow anomaly was the lowest figure for June in the whole 45 year record

@Mark_Kinver Arctic sea ice Thanks Mark. Now tell us about Rossby Waves and starvation

BBCStephanie Job creation doesn’t need economic growth. Tax carbon and create jobs

Did you know? @BBCRBlack @BBCAmos @davidshukmanbbc “a great mass of warm water underneath the sea ice”,

@BBC_WHYS £8bn of the Olympic budget was from selling planning permission. Why can’t we do that for other good causes? See Pay UK national debt with a planning permission tax

@BBCRBlack BBC to report sea ice story? See comment here. Time for the modelers to get out of the way!

@davidshukmanbbc @fionaharvey Perhaps this would help? More news on Cryosat-2

@davidshukmanbbc @fionaharvey reports jet stream. Improve your Why, oh why, does it keep raining? Remember Rossby waves.

@BBCRBlack Neven has an unkind word for your expert Myles Allen

@davidshukmanbbc When Attenborough or whoever says climate change is certain, is the BEEB person under orders to say “Not by everybody” ?

@davidshukmanbbc Petrol tank says wind power expensive – BBC to do balanced report? Or not?

@davidshukmanbbcreasons for static pattern of jet stream remain unclearNot to Prof Francis

@BBCAmos Arctic sea ice under threat this week: BBC weathermen to explain how weather affected?

@BBCAmos PNAS lifts embargo early on Hansen et al extreme weather-climate change study. BBC to embargo forever? Not deniers. Suppressors?

@BBCr4today Eurozone solution “Tax carbon subsidise jobs“. See also the Vivid Economics link.

@BBCr4today Clare Gerada should see “Drugs linked to brain damage 30 years ago

@BBCAmos Drought worst since 1956. BBC avoided climate. Can’t avoid it in ‘Worst for 800 yrs’ so BBC avoids 800 story?

@BBCAmos Been arguing with someone working for the Beeb. I said Beeb is bad on climate and would not report Turn of the century drought worst in 800 years, study says Well?

@BBCNews Does ‘unusual, but not unique‘ mean the Antarctic melting not climate change? Get real.

@BBCPallab Congrats for Watson/climate. Shame for waiting years for the copperbottomed to break rank. Rossby waves?

@BBCRBlack @BBCAmos @davidshukmanbbc @Mark_Kinver Search this for Rossby waves>storms>melting>Rossby wv feedback. I can help

@davidshukmanbbc @fionaharvey reports jet stream Improve your rain story ? Remember Rossby waves

@BBCRBlack @BBCAmos @davidshukmanbbc @Mark_Kinver Arctic Death Spiral: Drought, Flooding, Cold Spells And Heat Waves

@Mark_Kinver Report this too? “The June snow anomaly was the lowest figure for June in the whole 45 year record

@Mark_Kinver Arctic sea ice Thanks Mark. Now tell us about Rossby Waves and starvation

BBCStephanie Job creation doesn’t need economic growth. Tax carbon and create jobs

Did you know? @BBCRBlack @BBCAmos @davidshukmanbbc “a great mass of warm water underneath the sea ice”,

@BBC_WHYS £8bn of the Olympic budget was from selling planning permission. Why can’t we do that for other good causes? See Pay UK national debt with a planning permission tax

@BBCRBlack BBC to report sea ice story? Comment here. Time for the modelers to get out of the way!

@davidshukmanbbc @fionaharvey Perhaps this would help? More news on Cryosat-2

@davidshukmanbbc @fionaharvey reports jet stream. Improve your Why, oh why, does it keep raining? Remember Rossby waves.

@BBCRBlack Neven has an unkind word for your expert Myles Allen

@davidshukmanbbc When Attenborough or whoever says climate change is certain, is the BEEB person under orders to say “Not by everybody” ?

@davidshukmanbbc Petrol tank says wind power expensive – BBC to do balanced report? Or not?

@davidshukmanbbcreasons for static pattern of jet stream remain unclearNot to Prof Francis

@BBCAmos Arctic sea ice under threat this week: BBC weathermen to explain how weather affected?

@BBCAmos PNAS lifts embargo early on Hansen et al extreme weather-climate change study. BBC to embargo forever? Not deniers. Suppressors?

@BBCr4today Eurozone solution “Tax carbon subsidise jobs“. See also the Vivid Economics link.

@BBCr4today Clare Gerada should see “Drugs linked to brain damage 30 years ago

@BBCAmos Drought worst since 1956. BBC avoided climate. Can’t avoid it in ‘Worst for 800 yrs’ so BBC avoids 800 story?

@BBCAmos Been arguing with someone working for the Beeb. I said Beeb is bad on climate and would not report Turn of the century drought worst in 800 years, study says Well?

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