Climate, planning, economy. Tips 1+
Contents #1
- #1: Don’t plan “affordable housing” with car parking
- #2: Cars take too much space
- #3: House of Commons: Cars kill the planet
- #4: Greenbelts screw the poor
- #5: Reduce industrial agriculture
- #6: Planners: Your plans enrich the affluent
- #7: Don’t trust UK government on climate
- #8: Create visions of low carbon living
- #9: Planners should map wealth & inequality
- #10: Encourage neighbourliness
Goto 1 11 21 31 41 51 61 71 81 91 101
↑ #1 Don’t plan “affordable housing” with car parking
Don’t plan “affordable housing” with car parking: The poor can’t afford cars so why make them live next to motorists.

↑ #2 Cars take too much space
Parked cars need ten times more space than people.
For moving cars it’s hundreds of times more.
Cars threaten people off the streets.
Keep cars out of cities.
Cities are for people.

↑ #3 House of Commons: Cars kill the planet
House of Commons Committee says that –
personal vehicle ownership prevents decarbonisation.
Making a car can exceed a personal carbon budget – worse for an electric one.
Let’s plan for fewer cars to try and save the planet.

↑ #4 Greenbelts screw the poor
Greenbelts screw the poor.
Greenbelts restrict new housing so house prices rise.
In 2021:
The increase in average house value was more than an average salary.
Property owners got richer. The poor got poorer.
Greenbelts screwed the poor.

↑ #5 Reduce industrial agriculture
Industrial agriculture replaces jobs with machines.
Industrial agriculture replaces jobs with chemicals.
Arable soils loose half their organic carbon: Losing fertility fast.
Animal agriculture is one fifth of global GHG emissions.
Plan local market gardens – for jobs, health and climate.

↑ #6 Planners: Your plans enrich the affluent
Planners, confess that your plans mean
– housing enriches the affluent, even in the pandemic.
– the poor pay more rent.
Your plans do it.
@RTPIplanners. Be brave. Confess.

↑ #7 Don’t trust UK government on climate
Business Department’s doesn’t count emissions from
– air travel
– shipping
– imports
Met Office climate models missed important feedbacks.
Methane from permafrost now kicking in.

↑ #8 Create visions of low carbon living
Since 1990 a billion people now out of poverty
Lord O’Neil noted most are in China
– more cars, more tall buildings & more emissions
Needed: visions of living without cars or tall buildings
– to lead the world

↑ #9 Planners should map wealth & inequality
In the year to January 2022:
1.The Consumer Price Index rose 5.5%
2.The price of an average house rose by 11.4%
House owners 5.9% wealthier, renters 5.5% poorer.
If caring for citizens, planners should map the changes.

↑ #10 Encourage neighbourliness
Encourage neighbourliness:
• multi-use parks, with playgrounds & cafes
• local shops, libraries, youth clubs & sports facilities
• pedestrians before cars
Young Foundation: Understanding neighbourliness and belonging
Festinger: Social Pressures in Informal Groups